Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency and you can earn it freely by utilizing various websites like Freecash, Cointiply, Peer2Profit, Nexo, Timebucks, and IDLE Empire. When you successfully earn crypto on various websites and you want to withdraw all DOGE into fiat currencies like USD, EUR, and many others. So, in this case, you need to sell DOGE in exchange for some fiat currencies.
To know all the procedures to turn Dogecoin into cash explore this article, we will discuss how to turn Dogecoin into Cash so let’s get started!
How to Turn Dogecoin into Cash
Whenever you want to turn crypto into cash, the very first step would be to transfer all the cryptocurrencies (Dogecoin) from the wallet (Coinbase, TrustWallet, Metamask, or other) to your trustworthy exchange (Binance, Kucoin, Kraken, Coinbase, and many others). Once the Dogecoin is transferred from wallet to exchange, now sell Dogecoin in exchange for some fiat currencies like USD or EUR and many others.
After successful selling goes to the profile and opens the Wallet:
Select Fiat and Spot from the Wallet drop-down menu:
Select the option Withdraw to withdraw the funds:
In the next view, select the fiat currency in which you want to withdraw and here you can withdraw by using two methods:
- Bank Transfer (BBK)
- Visa and Mastercard
Here, we select Bank Transfer (BBK):
Enter the account details Beneficiary Name, IBAN, SWIFT Code, Beneficiary Address, and then hit the Continue button:
Enter the total amount you want to withdraw and then click Continue:
Here the transaction is done successfully, furthermore, you can check the transaction in the transaction history by clicking on View History, or check the wallet whether the funds were received or not, you just have to click on View wallet:
To withdraw any crypto into traditional currency, firstly you need to sell the crypto in exchange for fiat currencies and then you need to withdraw the amount by availing of two methods. The first one is “Bank Transfer (BBK)” and the second one is “Mastercard or visa card”. Here you can avail of both methods and can transfer fiat currencies from exchange to bank account.